We live in the Golan Heights. 4.3 miles from the Syrian border (as the missile files).  

There have been a few mortars fired into the Golan from what appears to rag-tag rebels looking for some action.
Thank Gd, no one was hurt. 

Mostly it’s quiet here. 

We hear planes overhead from time to time, but like I said, it’s pretty quiet here.

Schools here are still closed. No concrete word on when they will resume. 

We have a huge army presence stationed here and all around us. We have trained locals on 24-hour guard duty within our moshav. 

Batya, our oldest, is the first woman to join the team. She’s ‘trending’ in our moshav. She’s inspired a lot of women here to get their gun licenses, myself included. 

We live approximately 40 miles from the border of Lebanon.
It’s less quiet over there, many of the communities along that border have been asked to evacuate.
It’s been heating up over the last several days.

Hezbollah terrorists managed some serious damage just over the borderline earlier this week. One of our own, Amitay Tzvi Granot who was raised in Yonatan, along with another soldier was killed by a Hezbollah-fired anti-tank missile.

This evening, just after I posted this update, three Israelis, including a young girl, were injured as a rocket slammed into their home. “Multiple rocket, missile and gunfire attacks were launched from southern Lebanon toward northern Israel.” This took place in Kiryat Shmoneh.
That’s where my butcher is, and my therapist, and where Chezi takes his driving lessons.

It’s about 45 minutes north of us. We did not have to seek shelter.
In fact, I didn’t even know it happened until someone reached out and asked me if we wanted to come stay at their house.

The particular area of the northern front where we live, feels stable and protected.
Thank Gd – may it stay that way.  


(so many ‘and’s) 

I wake up bone tired. 

Soul tired. 

Curious about why I feel exhausted after a full night of uninterrupted sleep. 

The word “endurance” came to my mind as I opened my eyes to day 13 of this war.

It’s becoming clear how much sheer endurance we are going to need to get through this;
how much strength we’re gonna need to sustain ourselves and each other. 

I wrote a list of things I can do to contribute to my personal endurance. 

Things that I know give me strength.

  1. Unplugging. (Screens and self) 
  2. Putting boundaries around my support efforts outside of my home.
  3. Taking breaks from the news (as long as I need). 
  4. Writing about how I feel.
  5. Having some kind of dinner plan towards the start of each day. 
  6. Making time for family dinners (or breakfast or lunch).
  7. Making time for friends.
  8. Making time to just chill in whatever fashion feels right at that moment. 

Wide open to more ideas.