My Intention is a platform geared towards Jewish women who are looking for user-friendly inspiration and instruction about bringing meaning and purpose into the everyday nooks and crannies of life.

(Nope, you don’t need to be a Jew to relate… but in the interest of clarity, know, sweet friend, from where I come and where my inspiration is culled).

Now hold up a sec. Is this like, a religious thing?

So glad you asked.

And my answer is a loud and lusty: No!

This is a live well thing, a rock your best-self thing, a head in the clouds- feet on the ground thing. This is a live life full and rich and juicy and deep thing, and yes, by all means, a make space for G-d thing, a pull up a chair thing, a girl-put-your-records-on thing… but, not a “religious” thing.

I do not relate to myself as a “religious” person. With all due-respect, religious people tend to freak me out. I am a Jewess who is very passionate about learning and sharing the inner-dimensions of Jewish life and living. It is the filter I run my life through, and the source from which many if not most of my daily choices are made.

My intention is to share juicy and thought provoking inspiration with you; to encourage you to think deeply about who you are, and what your purpose is – the world so desperately needs more people who are living purposefully – and hopefully inspire positive action towards your unique purpose. But buyer, beware: I’m not pushing a religious agenda…just sharing ideas and hoping to start some great conversations and set some good vibrations in motion.


You might really dig this site and what I share if you are:

  • An Entry-level Jew, with little or no Jewish educational background.
  • A “Been there-done that ” Jew who wants to re-fresh and reboot.
  • Drawn towards authenticity and Jewish-soul-based inspiration.
  • A Jewish mother looking for inspiration and support while you’re slugging it out in the trenches.
  • A rock ‘n roller who loves to let it rip, but likes to keep it classy, and know where you’re waking up in the morning.
  • Seeking more comfort in your own body.
  • Drawn towards healthy living mind, body and soul.
  • Into laughing and aren’t afraid to dig deep.
  • Striving for more authenticity of self.

So buckle up sweet friends, I am so happy to have you along for the ride.