by Sarah Zadok | May 10, 2015 | Life Lessons, Personal Narrative
I’m on my way to get an ultrasound. Of my boobs. I am trying to stay cool and collected, and remember the doc’s emphasis about this being a “precautionary measure just to confirm that everything is fine,” but my heart has gone rogue and abandoned rationale in favor of...
by Sarah Zadok | Apr 14, 2015 | Israel, Personal Narrative, Rebuilding
Today is a fortunate day for people like me who chose this life and this land from outside of her soil. I have lost neither son nor spouse in the field or on a bus ride home. I am a new-comer to this land, 16 years this June, my children have not yet served, my...
by Sarah Zadok | Feb 15, 2015 | Israel, Personal Narrative
I love to drive. Preferably alone. I pick up travelers from time to time, but given a choice, I go solo. Driving is my peace, it is my prayer, and it is a sacred experience for me – it always has been. It’s a time for me to just listen, to just think without...
by Sarah Zadok | Sep 28, 2014 | Grief & Loss, Personal Narrative, Relationships
I learned early on that prayer is primarily about communication. l learned this first from watching Harold and Maude, then years later in a Torah class. For the most part, my M.O. as far as prayer is concerned has been to simply talk to G-d, kind of like I would to a...
by admin | May 25, 2014 | Grief & Loss, Personal Narrative
I’m a doer by nature. I make bread and cake and babies. I work, I clean things, I push hard. I often see myself on a journey for the dimmer switch in my life, trying to find the balance between the side of me that approaches life with the energy and productivity of a...
by Sarah Zadok | May 11, 2014 | Personal Development, Personal Narrative
It’s been several months since my first attempt at running and finally, I don’t feel as if I’m going to die each time. That’s progress people. Major progress. I am currently running 3.25 K (or 25 mins straight), a bit past the half way mark to my goal of “couch to 5...