A collection of random thoughts…

Look for the helpers

After weeks of working on a shipment of emergency medical supplies – three giant duffle bags filled with all manner of first-aid trauma supplies and equipment arrived at Ben Gurion airport today! The bags are on their way with Shahar as I type. I did not raise any money for these supplies or their transport. It was all handled by the outstandingly generous and committed team at Care One. Not only did they purchase all the supplies on our behalf, they also found a passenger traveling to Israel who was willing to deliver the bags, they paid for extra luggage and got them on the plane.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the kindness that abounds.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”  – Mr. (Fred) Rogers

Moshav Yonatan today 

Many of you have asked what it’s like here lately. I’ll tell you.

About a week ago, a unit of reserve duty soldiers set up a base camp near by.
It’s a huge relief to have them here. It not only takes pressure off our locals, it gives a greater sense of security.
I’ve met several of the guys, cutie pies, every single one. Each about 24 years old, from all over the country.
They are always friendly and sweet, and willing to chat about pretty much anything.

Shahar stopped for a brief chat with some of the soldiers after our shabbat morning walk. I said, “I don’t understand how anyone can get through this without a belief in Gd.”
A soldier named Shawn said, “I don’t believe in Gd, and I’m getting through just fine.”
“What do you believe?” I asked him.
“I believe in this nation. I believe in these people. In our history, our story.”
I told him I think we believe in the same thing – we just use different words.


30 is a significant day in Jewish ritual. It’s the secondary period of mourning after the “shiva” (the first seven days) called sheloshim, Hebrew for 30, because it lasts for 30 days.

I wish I could report that the sense of national mourning has lifted some. I suppose it has in some ways, but every day we learn about the death of another one of our holy warriors killed in the line of duty, or a young girl killed while running for shelter, a young brave soldier who succumbed to wounds after weeks of holding on. The fate of our hostages is still unknown. So in a lot of ways, it’s like we keep starting shiva again from day one each day anew.

It’s not sustainable. A nation cannot live in a state of extended mourning  – definitely not when there are still terrorist firing rockets at us.
Now we need our energy to destroy this enemy. Later we will mourn.

Just keep me where the light is 

I think if I was pregnant today (relax kids, I’m not), there’s a good chance I would name my kid Ohr (pronounced “oar”)

Ohr means light.
That’s where I want to be.
That’s what I want to be.
That’s what I want to radiate.
That’s the river I want to keep dipping in.

Melodramatic King David 

I have always struggled to say tehillim (psalms) because I found Kind David’s words to be so dramatic and unrelatable.
Until now.
He wasn’t being dramatic at all.
He was telling the truth.
Today his words – his narrative – gives me strength and perspective and hope.

“…I am scorn of men, contempt of all nations. All who see me mock me…
“Be not distant from me for trouble is near, for there is none to help.
Many bulls surround me, the might bulls of Bashan encircle me.
They open their mouths against me, like a lion that ravages and roars…
But You Lord, be not distant from me…
The progeny of those who serve Him will tell of the Lord to latter generations.
They will come and relate His righteousness – all that He has done – to a newborn nation”

 24-hour leave

One of our closest friends’ daughter is a combat soldier in the Oketz unit. She has been in the front line off all things for the last 30 days. She just got her first 24 hour leave today. I got a picture of her in the car with her Mama on their way home today. My heart is sailing with love and joy for her and her family.
Sleep well tonight sweet girl.
Rest. Eat. Drink. Breathe.
You’re home now.
You’re home now.