Boredom isn’t even a thing.
It’s a false pretense. A cop-out. A failure to see the opportunity around you.
All boredom really means is that your mind isn’t set to the right dial.
I made you a POSTER with 30 REALLY GOOD (downloadable) ideas to offer your kids if they feel the “Boredom Beast” starting to lurk.
Sign up in the box on the right so you can tap into any one of these simple activities and banish that beast… for good.
Print this poster and stick it on your wall or on your kid’s forehead. Make it your life screen-saver. Turn it into a Twister mat. Memorize it and recite it backwards. Translate it into another language.
Because life is way too ripe with what we can do to waste time not knowing what we should do .
Just enter your details in the opt-in-box above and you’ll get this printable poster of 30 Awesome Ideas straight to your inbox. Just in time for summer!
- No more “I’m bored.”
- No more “I have nothing to do”
- No more excuses kiddos… Time to do something awesome.