Just because….

Just because….

G-d communicates with us all the time. The Ba’al Shem Tov brought this simple truth to life with his famous teaching: “There is not one leaf that falls from a tree that is not divinely ordained.” The idea that G-d is constantly engaged with our world is a not new...
Respect for King David

Respect for King David

I’m not the best pray-er in town (as I’ve mentioned elsewhere), but these past few days I’ve been saying psalms with more intention and intensity than I have in a long time.Tough times have me leaning a little harder on G-d, ain’t no two ways about it. The news of the...
Dimmer Switches and Stillness

Dimmer Switches and Stillness

I’m a doer by nature. I make bread and cake and babies. I work, I clean things, I push hard. I often see myself on a journey for the dimmer switch in my life, trying to find the balance between the side of me that approaches life with the energy and productivity of a...

Joy Upon You

I think true joy has to do with recognizing the parts of our own heart that are broken, gathering those very pieces into an open palm like glitter, and throwing them towards the service and honor of others. Joy upon you friends.