Day 67 War in Israel: Open spaces

Day 67 War in Israel: Open spaces

Wide, open spaces. I love them. I am drawn to them.  The big sky, open grazing lands, and abundance of green trails was one of the major pulls behind our move up north almost 14 years ago.  I love the freedom of open spaces. Love to walk in them. Think in them. Just...
Day 66 War in Israel: Inhale

Day 66 War in Israel: Inhale

I’ve been much more removed from the news. What began, 66 days ago as a compulsion to consume as much information as I could, has morphed into something of a task for me. The war is in progress. Our troops are in. Between the seven of us in our family, we are...
Day 62 War in Israel: First light

Day 62 War in Israel: First light

Chanukah. First light. The story of our people alive in our hearts. Small army, big army. War. Warriors. Victory. The shadows of our enemies within sight inside our kingdom, inside our walls, on our altars.  A small jug of pure oil, stamped with a holy seal. Enough to...