Day 3 of War in Israel

Day 3 of War in Israel

So many of you have reached out with love and concern. Please know we feel your love. It helps. Thank you. I’ll try to continue with a daily update. First. Everyone in our family and our extended family are safe. Thank Gd. There has been some activity on the...
Day 2 of War in Israel

Day 2 of War in Israel

Nothing feels settled.  Nothing feels under control. And. We, in our home, are fine.  We are safe. Still, there is a palpable terror that buzzes through the fabric of all things unfolding in this land. The birds are still singing, and the Golan’s sky is wide and...
43…Here I Come, Baby

43…Here I Come, Baby

It was a big year. 42 was the year I made the decision to leave my job. A dream job in a lot of ways (not so much in other ways). At 42 I made the choice to leave steady employment in order to reconnect with my life outside of work; as much a leap as it was...
Almost Car Accidents And Gratitude Road

Almost Car Accidents And Gratitude Road

My son almost got hit by a car tonight. (Breathe Mom, I said almost. He’s fine, I promise). We were leaving a friend’s house after a very sweet shabbat meal. We were a big group; me and 8 kids, it was dark – the tippy-tail end of shabbat- and we were...
How to Throw an Awesome Bat Mitzvah

How to Throw an Awesome Bat Mitzvah

Have an awesome kid. Raise her right. Instill good values. Sweeten her Torah. Show her what is Ahavat Israel really means. Allow her plenty of opportunities to see herself the way that you, her loving parents, see her. Ask bat mitzvah girl what she wants to do. Do...