Israel at War -My Blog

Day 74 War in Israel: Bearing Witness

Day 74 War in Israel: Bearing Witness

Some days I show up to this blank page and I have nothing to say. Nothing at all. Then I remember why I show up here, to this page at all. I am here to bear witness to this experience. To document what each day since Oct 7th has been for me. So that I don't forget....

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Day 73 War in Israel: It’s time

Day 73 War in Israel: It’s time

Among the horrors of war lay The most beautiful faces With the brightest futures The most loving families And the best friends So much life. Laid to rest and mourned forever by a family that will never be the same. One after the next. These soldiers, killed in duty,...

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Day 71 War in Israel: Space for the Hurt

Day 71 War in Israel: Space for the Hurt

We had a lovely shabbat. Just us for dinner.  Went to bed early. Woke up slowly. Took my time. I said my prayers unhurried, enjoyed the feel of the words in my mouth and their sound as I spoke them out loud. I read.  Played hide and seek with Harley. Went for a long,...

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Day 70 War in Israel: A shabbat prayer

Day 70 War in Israel: A shabbat prayer

What follows are the words to a song (which is also a prayer) called "Shalva B'armonotiech || Peace in your castles" by Ravid Plotnik. The explanation of "what is prayer" is from Shai Zabri (it's part of the song). The translation is my own. You can listen to the song...

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Day 68 War in Israel: What I know

Day 68 War in Israel: What I know

Here's what I know today. 1) The Jewish People (and all who stand with us) are living thorough a really hard time. 2) We are facing antisemitism in amounts that most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. A 337% increase according to the ADL. 3) For the deep...

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Day 67 War in Israel: Open spaces

Day 67 War in Israel: Open spaces

Wide, open spaces. I love them. I am drawn to them.  The big sky, open grazing lands, and abundance of green trails was one of the major pulls behind our move up north almost 14 years ago.  I love the freedom of open spaces. Love to walk in them. Think in them. Just...

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Day 66 War in Israel: Inhale

Day 66 War in Israel: Inhale

I've been much more removed from the news. What began, 66 days ago as a compulsion to consume as much information as I could, has morphed into something of a task for me. The war is in progress. Our troops are in. Between the seven of us in our family, we are...

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Day 65 War in Israel: It’s okay

Day 65 War in Israel: It’s okay

I'll be honest - I didn't read much news today. I peeked at a few headlines this morning and once again, just now. That's it. No social media either. It's not like I made some decision. Or drew some line. I just can't do it today. And. I want to say out loud for...

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Day 63 War in Israel: Shabbat Chanukah

Day 63 War in Israel: Shabbat Chanukah

Moments before shabbat Chanukah. Surrounded by light. Shabbat Chanukah Sameach my friends, my family. (Our soldier is home for shabbat. She is well, she is tired, we did laundry. All is well.) 🤍 Sharing a sweet thought that found its way to me this week from - Rabbi...

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